¿Sientes que te falta algo bueno por hacer en la vida?
¿Es que aún no colaboras con ninguna ONG?
Si te has hecho esta pregunta alguna vez y además te gustan los animales ESTA ES TU OPORTUNIDAD.
En MELAMPO te ofrecemos diversos tipos de colaboración:
Responsable de Turno:
Ésta es la esencia del voluntariado de Melampo. Tras un periodo de formación, se te asignará un turno de tarde o de mañana, donde tú serás el responsable del funcionamiento de la protectora.
En los turnos de mañana limpiamos, ponemos agua, damos comida, medicamentos y sacamos a los perros.
En los turnos de tarde se repasa un poco el tema de la limpieza, se repone algo de agua, se dan medicamentos, y sobre todo aprovechamos para jugar y dar cariño a nuestros perros.
Paseos por el exterior del Refugio:
Si dispones de poco tiempo, ésta es una forma que se adapta perfectamente a tus necesidades, no por ello siendo menos importante. Puedes venir cuando quieras; de lunes a domingo, mañana o tarde, y tu misión será entre otras enseñar a pasear a nuestros perros, socializarlos y sacarlos un poco de la rutina. Ellos te lo agradecerán enormemente ya que les hace mucha ilusión.
Traslados de Perros:
En ciertas ocasiones necesitamos trasladar a nuestros perros al veterinario, al aeropuerto, etc. Ésta puede ser tu opción.
¿Eres un manitas?:
En la protectora siempre hace falta alguien que conozca un poco de albañilería, fontanería... que se encargue de ir arreglando aquellos problemas que van surgiendo.
Do you want to make a difference in somebody's life?
Do you have extra time that you could use during something really useful for others?
Would you like to have dogs in your live but it's imposible for you to adopt one at the moment?
Or maybe you fancy working for an NGO ( non-govemmental organisation)?
If you anwer is YES to any of above questions, then THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY
At MELAMPO we can offer you a variety of ways to volunteer:
Shift Leader:
This is the core part of being a melampo volunteer. after a successful training period, you'll be assigned a morning or evening shift where you'll be respponsible for the running of the Shelter
During the morning shifts we do a deep clean, tidy, change the water, feet the dogs, give them medicine and let them out for a runaround.
In the aftermoon shift we check the kennels are nice and clean , make sure there's enough water to last throughout the night and give the dogs their medicine. But the main task in the aftermoons is one-to-one interaction with the dogs- giving them the all-impotant play and cuddles that they need.
Going for walks outside the shelter:
Even if you only have a limited amound of time to help, you can stll contribute in a very valuable way. You can come whenever the dog shelter is open ( every day of the week in the mornings and evenings) and take one or two dogs out to enjoy some quality walking time. Some dogs still need to learn how to walk on the lead and others may have to over-come their fear a little. This is a very important task as it prepares them for a potential adoption. Plus, it's essential for their emotional and mental health to have a change of scene and leave the shelter from time to time (just like for humans!)
Sometimes we need someone to take our dogs to the vet or to the airport. This is an other very useful way to contribute.
Are you a handyman or woman?
At Melampo there's always something to do, from cutting bushes to repairing kennels. If you enjoy working with your hands, why not help maintain the dogs' living environment - they would be very grateful